Can shaping be easy? Can you shape the canals efficiently? Can you shape safely and effectively without
separating or ledging the apical third of the canal? This book will answer all of your shaping questions
about the WaveOne Gold reciprocation system. WaveOne Gold is a unique file system that shapes the
entire canal system with one file. WaveOne Gold does not rotate, but instead reciprocates in an unequal
bidirectional movement of 150° counterclockwise and 30° clockwise. It takes 3 reciprocations to create a full
revolution. This unique reciprocation movement allows the file to easily and safely surf right on down the canal
and effortless cut and carve the canal walls without wiping out. Come along with me on a surf safari into
shaping and surfing down the canal effortlessly. And yes you will become a better shaper and surfer.